About Potter And Beyond

Hello everybody, before going too deep into this blog and making it a thing I want to explain the idea behind it and future plans.

I always wanted to create a blog or a YouTube account or something like that in order to entertain you guys and keep myself busy at the same time. The original idea was to create a Harry Potter channel on YouTube and give reviews, showing my merchandise, doing challenges etc. But then I decided to take things a little bit slower and to create a blog for a start so here I am.

This blog may seem like too much Harry Potter at first but I am planing to make some personal posts as well. Sometimes I can talk to you about my day, my friends, my plans for the week or other topics. So don’t worry if you’re not into Harry Potter this blog will also have entertaining stuff for you!

Who knows maybe one day I’ll create that YouTube channel, shooting vlogs as well and make my dream come true !

I want to welcome you all and thank you for being here ! Hope you love my blog!


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  1. Oh wow! I’m new to WordPress and I’m so glad I found a fellow potterhead. I found your comment on FirstFriday and it led me to your blog.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi there my fellow potterhead! So nice to finally meet someone who has the same interest as I am here in wordpress. I like your blog cause it’s simple and your content is easy to read. Keep it up! If you have time, please visit my blog as well. Thank you!


    Liked by 1 person

  3. Nice work potter and beyond. New beginnings and your blog seems to have a little bit of traffic.

    Wish you all the best!!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This blog is awesome. Harry Potter is awesome. You are awesome! Hehe Can’t wait to read more about you and HP!!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Sheetal Bhardwaj March 13, 2017 — 4:00 pm

    Wow! A great platform for HP fans. I loved your blog. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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